The Return to Serenity Island

Play Your Way Through The Fog

Do you feel yourself drifting from where you wish to be? Are you finding it difficult to keep up with demands, pressures, and expectations that you do not want to comply with, yet feel you have no choice? Or have you taken on too much in the excitement of abundant hopes, intentions, and possibilities?

The Return to Serenity Island offers a unique invitation to slow down, pause, and reconnect with your inner creativity in a spirit of playful rest.

"Oh my word, it is incredible! A really unique mixture of sound and sensory experience, coaching, imaginative play and informal, companionable talks. I'm absolutely hooked. I just did a module and cried like a baby cause I felt so safe and seen. It is really special. That kind of cry you do when you're a kid, not because you're afraid anymore, but because you've been PICKED UP, and the relief just comes flooding out."

- Josie

Slow down. Take a long deep breath. And invite your creatively playful inner core back into the driving seat of your life...

It's time to go on an adventure home

Life is noisy for many of us right now. The fog is pulling us every which way.

This kind of foggy noise has no tangible definition, clarity, or meaning. But it DOES have an impact on our ability to think and act with clarity and confidence.

This fog can make it impossible to know which direction we need to go.

Sometimes this fog descends rapidly from out of the blue, when an unexpected event or situation arrives from nowhere.

At other times the fog is more creeping. It arrives gradually without us noticing, and like a background hum it gets absorbed into the environmental ambience of life. Pressures, stresses, and anxieties from the subtle shifts in the way things are for us and in the world around us.

We might know the fog is there when we are unable to see the path ahead. It leaves us struggling for a sense of direction, and it can cause us to lose our feeling of belonging on the map altogether.

We might be waiting for it to blow over, or we might be fighting it in an effort to ‘just keep moving’ at all costs.

But the noise keeps coming. And life seems to be happening around us, as we drift like passive observers rather than active participants.

It's time to become a playful participant in your own adventure story again.

What is waiting for you beyond the fog?

I want to invite you on an adventure.

It's time to connect with the beauty of your unconventional life, and begin writing the next chapter of your story.

What part do you want to play in your story of being and becoming?

What Has Caused You to Drift From Your Creative Core?

Maybe you recognise one of these causes of drift in your own life right now:

  • People Pleasing: The tension between the option that feels good to you and the option of least resistance (pleasing others and/or keeping the peace) can provide a background hum of empty longing. Over time the little compromises cause a slow and distant drift away from your creative core.
  • Ill-Fitting "Clothes": This kind of noise is created whenever you feel like you can’t be yourself. It becomes foggy drift when you lose the ability to distinguish between the desires of your natural self and the adapted self you create in order to fit the demands and expectations of the world around you.
  • Perfectionism and Limbo: Maybe you always seem to be waiting. You put off acting on things that matter to you until the magical missing piece (the right time, the perfect idea, or when things settle down) arrives.
  • Fear of What Happens Next: Maybe you ruminate on the potential consequences. You might know what you want to do but assume that you will be shackled or something bad will might resign yourself to an attitude which says, “why bother? People will laugh at me.” Or “there’s no point trying, I won’t be able to afford it and I’ll end up regretting it”.
  • The Quest for the One: Maybe your foggy drift has occurred through a never-ending quest to find a sense of wholeness and completeness. You often hit goals - even the big and impressive ones. You find ways to improve your living situation, and you lead a life that other people think is highly successful. But when the buzz of hitting a goal subsides, you notice that it still doesn't feel as good as you believed it would.

“But do you know how old I will be by the time I learn to really play the piano / act / paint / write a decent play?"..."Yes, the same age you will be if you don't.”

- Julia Cameron (The Artist's Way)

What is the drift costing you?

  • Maybe you are spending more time than you want glued to social media and the news
  • Perhaps your sleep is broken and you are constantly low on energy
  • Maybe you’ve become more quick-tempered or you’re responding to situations and people in ways that don’t reflect who you know you are deep down
  • Perhaps you feel a sense of deep disempowered resignation about the state of the world
  • Maybe you feel guilt or shame whenever you think about improving your own life
  • Perhaps you have become more envious, resentful, and cynical of other people and the world

The true cost of drift is our vibrant, creative, playfully integrating human core.

When we drift on the winds and rhythms of the world around us we lose hold of what it truly means to be us.

But this is NOT The End of the Story

Slow Down. Hit Pause. Take a Moment..

If you’ve had enough of this drift and you’re exhausted from following paths and patterns that leave you feeling disconnected, tired, and at odds with your own inner creative, playful, joyful spirit, then maybe it’s time to Return to Serenity Island with me.

Place down the heavy baggage you’re carrying around right now. Take a deep breath, stretch your arms, and we can move through the fog together. It's time to see what’s waiting in the clearing beyond it.

I'd love you to discover and fully experience a glorious technicolour island that is bursting with vibrancy, energy, and life. This is you. It’s your place of being. Your past. Your future. Your present. It’s your home. And it’s where you are home.

Serenity Island is your dynamic story of becoming. And it’s ready for its next chapter to be written by you.

What IS The Return to Serenity Island?


The Return to Serenity Island is an immersive creative coaching program. It is designed to take you on a journey...

From Foggy Drift

Where it can feel like life is happening to you and you’re blown about by the noise, pressure, and expectations of everything and everyone else.

To Empowered and Playful Being

 Where you have a clear vision for your life, with tangible and simple steps in the direction of your choosing, as well as holistic and relevant boundaries and plans so that you’re ready to respond to the world’s overwhelming noise and unexpected future events.

It's Creative

Imagination and play are part of the adventure itself (not something you have to make time and space for later)

It's Immersive

You will feel the possibility of change through all your senses, not simply at a cognitive thinking level

It's Expansive

You will focus on creating the right conditions for growth so that your life organically blossoms from the inside out

It's Flexible

You will be equipped to identify and nurture the best approach for YOU, to fit YOUR most natural rhythms and pace

The course provides a playful framework upon which you will create meaningful maps of your life. These maps not only provide a unique and personal overview of the different parts of life, but they also provide a canvas to recognise and conceptualise the terrains and weather patterns that have knocked you off-course in the past.

With your maps you will be able to navigate your life with increased awareness, acceptance, and intention. Anticipating, absorbing, and responding in ways you've chosen, rather than giving up when things feel tough.

You'll be keeping your eye out for Imp Sludge. You might meet creatures like the Troll of Complexity and the Wiley Quick Fix Fox along the way. And you'll become equipped to deal with the pesky hobgoblins that just love to make things difficult.

Imp Sludge and Motivations

If you're ready to explore the caves, coastlines, mountains, forests, lakes, and labyrinths of a world that is bursting with life (YOUR life), then I'd love to welcome you home!

As you grow your life from the inside-out...

  • You will start to feel at home with your natural way of being - not judged or shamed for being unable to articulate the specifics of what you want from life.
  • You will experience growth in the areas of life that matter to you, and view your potential in ways you never have before.
  • You will develop flexible and exciting plans that don't feel limiting, but free you up to trust the processes you put in place as you nurture growth in the areas that matter most.
  • You will have more time, space, and calm around the important things. And you'll know what you can release as you tend to the areas of life that matter to YOU.
  • You will become open to receive and respond on your terms, to the growing number of interesting and exciting opportunities that will come your way once you accept and step into your adventure of being and becoming.
  • You will start a journey that never has to end, as you grow your life from the inside out, step by step, piece by piece, in exciting directions you couldn't possibly begin to imagine.

"Serenity Island has been the most powerful and lovely thing I have ever experienced. Andy has created an amazing adventure, cleverly weaving together incredibly beautiful soundscapes and deeply touching story narrative, which ignites your imagination, activates all senses and sends you to a journey of a lifetime on this island of your wildest dreams.

It is playful and also a very useful creative project, which continues to evolve and grow with me. This Island work and its ripple effects have sneaked quietly and effectively into so many areas of my life already. I could not have found more effective and gentle coaching than with Andy."

- Tuula

Jephson Gardens Bridge

Hi, I'm Andy Mort...

If you are an experimental gentle rebel who has found that old ways of setting goals don't work for you, then I can definitely help.

As a curiously creative songwriter and professionally qualified personal performance coach, I've built my life upon a diverse and disparate set of interests and explorations. I continue to forge and nurture strange and gentle pathways to bring it all together in ways that feed a joy-fuelled life of surprising happenings, becomings, and opportunities.

Like many people's, my life has been a messy and chaotic road at times. It doesn't often fit the normal moulds and systems of doing things.

But over the years I've come to the conclusion that a lot of the time, "conventional" doesn't really suit me. And from the work I've done with thousands of like-spirited gentle rebels, I can confirm that I'm not alone.

Perhaps you resonate with this too? Where "fitting in" or settling for 'normal', is simply not an attractive or life-affirming option. In fact, the very idea drains your spirit and sucks out your soul.

But we really don't need to keep bending ourselves out of shape in this way. And I wanted to share this tool to help make life work better for us.

The Return to Serenity Island is not like the 'outside-in courses' that are designed to help us get concrete on our goals and successfully pursue them.

This program is rooted instead in the premise that we might be capable of so much more when we build life from the inside out. Connecting to ourselves and allowing our true dreams, values, and goals to expand out from our creative core.

"Arriving through the fog soundscape is the most brilliant thing I have witnessed as a gateway into myself. If I stopped here, at the harbor to the Island, it would already be worth it for me. Thank you for this. It’s filled with magic." - Zoie

"It’s beautiful, Andy. It sounds beautiful. It feels poignantly beautiful. It left me feeling excited for future, peaceful, comforted, and safe. Safe, Andy…what a gift to feel safe." - Gina

Serenity Island Picnics

Our Serenity Island Picnics (on Zoom) allow us to meet, share, and explore. We listen to a short soundscape, chat about our experiences around the island, and do a reflective play prompt together.

These aren't part of the course materials, so if you don't want to (or can't) attend, you won't miss anything. Instead, they are there for anyone who would appreciate a regular rhythm and a chance to connect with like-spirited folk going through the course.

We have an optional Serenity Island Whatsapp Group, which provides a place for those who want to keep in touch on weeks when there are no live picnics. The sound anchor and play prompt are delivered to the group after our Zoom sessions, so if you can't make them live, you can engage in your own time.

Spring 2025 Picnic Dates

We have several live picnics coming up in the Spring.

Tuesday 25th February 2025 (7pm UK)

Tuesday 11th March 2025 (7pm UK)

Tuesday 18th March 2025 (7pm UK)

Tuesday 1st April 2025 (7pm UK)

Tuesday 8th April 2025 (7pm UK)

Tuesday 29th April 2025 (7pm UK)

Join The Return to Serenity Island

The Return to Serenity Island is a self-paced course designed to stimulate playful reflection, creative planning, and meaningful action. You will move with a rhythm that suits you as you come to view your life through the lens of dynamic maps, which emerge, grow, and expand WITH you.

The Course Includes...

Immediate Access for 12 Months

1 Year Full Access to The Return To Serenity Island Self-Paced Course (including all updates during that time)

Video Lessons

6 Chapters (32 downloadable video lessons to work through at your own pace)

Audio Feed

Access to a private audio feed so you can take the course with you and listen to it on your favourite podcast app

Narrative Soundscapes

Over 90 minutes of downloadable immersive audio experiences in and around Serenity Island

Downloadable Resources

Tools, templates, and downloadable creative prompts to inspire and equip you as you create your own adventure portfolio and build your maps

Optional Extras (Community Support)

These aren't part of the course materials, so if you don't want to (or can't) attend, you won't miss anything. Instead, they are there for anyone who would appreciate a regular rhythm and a chance to connect with like-spirited folk going through the course...

Live Picnics

Our Serenity Island Picnics (on Zoom) allow us to meet, share, and explore. We listen to a short soundscape, chat about our experiences around the island, and do a reflective play prompt together.

Whatsapp Group

Our optional Serenity Island WhatsApp Group provides a place for those who want to keep in touch and/or who can't make live picnics. The sound anchor and play prompt are delivered to the group after our Zoom sessions so you can engage in your own time (and revisit whenever you like).

$145 (USD)


Once your payment goes through, you will be redirected back to Serenity Island to create your account and sign in. You can then start exploring right away!

"I’m in my lodge, reflecting on my experience with Serenity Island. It’s a beautiful place to explore and discover more of myself and life's gifts. Do I believe those gifts are for me? Do I believe my past has some purpose and is not just a giant mess or mistake? Do I believe the future is filled with possibilities and opportunities for play, adventure, and discovery?

The more I explore Serenity Island, the more I DO believe these things. I’m really enjoying it. The course goes deep at times, and Andy's soundscapes make this experience utterly unique and truly bring the Island to life."

- Linda

Money Back Guarantee

I Want You to Feel Safe at Every Stage of This Journey...This Starts With a 7-Day Cooling Off Period

If you change your mind about The Return To Serenity Island, get in touch within 7 days of your purchase date and you'll receive a full refund. No hassle, no questions.

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